When people think about marketing, they often forget about using vehicle wraps to generate new customers. However, the market for automobile wraps around the world is worth more than $4 billion every year! On top of that, this industry is growing at a compound annual growth rate of more than 22%!
That rate of growth is fast enough to double the industry in less than four years. So what is it about business vehicle wraps that is making so many new businesses interested in using them?
There are a lot of advantages that come with using quality car and truck wraps. Read on to learn all about the most important things to understand about the effectiveness of vehicle wrap advertising!
Advertising on Vehicle Wraps Get Attention
A lot of people don’t have a lot of experience working with vehicle wraps. As a result, they wonder how effective they are. However, also as a result of this lack of familiarity, vehicle wraps get a lot of attention.
People are used to seeing ads in all kinds of places. And they are used to tuning them out. It is getting harder and harder to find places where people have not already seen ads thousands of times.
However, vehicle wraps are one of the few places where people are still not used to seeing ads. As a result, they are not used to tuning them out. That means that they are far more likely to pay attention to a vehicle wrap ad than they are to pay attention to an ad on television or social media.
Truck Wrap Advertising Does Not Annoy Customers
Of course, the wrong kind of attention is not always desirable. Although there is a saying that there is no such thing as bad press, it is also true that good press is a lot better for a business than bad press.
This is another way that vehicle wrap ads are superior to other alternatives. The most common situation for people to be really paying attention to vehicle wrap ads is while their cars are stopped. Let’s imagine that someone drives to the grocery store and stops their car about 10 times along the way.
What do people do during these stops in their drives? The answer is that they mostly do nothing. There is very little that you can do in these tiny pauses in your trip.
However, one of the very few things that you can do is look at a nearby car with wrap advertising. And since you have nothing else to do, it can actually be something of a novelty to focus on the ad and learn a little bit more about a business.
This makes vehicle wrap ads a lot less annoying than ads between segments of a television show. Instead of annoying people, you can actually provide them with something better to do than simply twiddle their thumbs while they are waiting for a red light to change to green.
On top of that, customers will feel like they are seeing your ad simply by chance. It is not like you arranged for their car to happen to show up next to one of your cars with vehicle wrap advertising. As a result, customers are less likely to feel bombarded and more likely to feel curious about seeing something new.
Vehicle Wrap Advertising Can Reach Many People
One of the most common ways to judge a form of advertising is to assess how many people it can reach. According to this metric, vehicle wrap advertising scores very highly!
You have probably already spent a lot of advertising reaching the kind of people that you can normally reach by using more traditional ad strategies. However, those strategies simply don’t reach everybody. Some kinds of people don’t frequent social media sites or watch much television.
That makes these people much easier to reach by using strategies like vehicle wrap advertising. On top of that, since very few businesses are able to reach these people, you will have a much higher chance of converting them to customers.
In general, vehicle wrap advertising reaches all kinds of people.
Advertising on Truck Wraps Means Reaching a Wide Variety of People
Reaching so many people also means reaching a wide variety of people. Some businesses benefit a lot from people of all ages and situations seeing their ads. If that applies to your company, then vehicle wrap advertising might be the right way to go.
In contrast, each social media site tends to have users that belong to certain demographics.
Vehicle Wraps Are Effective Advertising for Local Businesses
There is a certain sense in which most ads stay in the same place over and over again. This is certainly true of most physical ads. Even digital ads always show up on the same television channels or social media sites.
However, vehicle wrap ads travel all over the place. This means that people are less likely to tune out vehicle wrap ads.
Vehicle Wraps Have a Higher Return on Investment
Considering all of these advantages, you might suppose that vehicle wraps would be very expensive. Fortunately, vehicle wraps are actually quite affordable. That means that you get a very high return on your investment.
On top of that, setting up a vehicle wrap ad can be extremely easy. All you have to do is let people drive cars around with your vehicle wrap. There is nothing else to track or manage.
Understand the Advantages of Using Vehicle Wraps
We hope learning a little more about vehicle wraps has been helpful. Many businesses are looking for alternative ways to improve their advertising. There are so many different ways to advertise that people do not always think of using car and truck wraps.
However, sometimes, using business vehicle wraps is the perfect next step to take your marketing strategy to the next level.
The more you understand about vehicle wraps, the more likely you are to make the right decision about how your business should use them to generate new customers. To learn more about vehicle wraps or to speak with experts in vehicle wrapping, feel free to reach out and get in touch with us here at any time!